Our referral call came totatlly unexpected to us. I had been home from the DR for 3 days and was still trying to process all that transpired that week.
The girls were out of school for Winter break and we had been to a movie. On our way home I noticed that I had missed a call from our agency. They never call! I tried to call back, but it was after hours and no one answered.
JT was on his way home from a business trip and had been on the road all day. I called and asked him if he had heard from our agency. He had not. I tried them again, and reached the Director. She proceeded to tell me that they received our referral just as JT was walking in the door. I asked, "Girl or boy?" She said, "BOY!" I started crying, the girls were squealing and JT looked like a deer caught in headlights!
Once we fininshed our conversation with the director, we all huddled around the computer waiting for her to send us his picture.
Oh, what a cutie! I couldn't believe after 2 1/2 years.... the wait was over. I was instantly in love with his sweet face.
I cried in my husband's arms.
The phone calls came next to family and friends. Laura and JP (our missionary friend) were on their way back from a conference and headed straight to our house!
I called my dear friend Jenny next. She has walked with me through this ENTIRE adoption journey from Day 1. She has advised me, encouraged me, prayed for me and cried with me.
When I first felt God whispering to my heart about adoption. I called Jenny. When she was praying about Adam, I was praying about Emily... we walked through some tough times in both of our adoption journeys. She has adopted two beautiful children from China.
I couldn't wait to share the news with her. While talking, we came up with a plan to get our Life Group together for an announcement.
The email went like this:
Exciting news!
If you want to know.... meet me tomorrow morning for coffee (Friday) at 10:00. Starbucks at Stonecrest.
Be there or be square.
You should have seen the replies I got from them. Hysterical.
My sisters came.
And the celebrations began...