June 17th, 2011
JT and I woke up in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to the roosters crowing outside our window. Would this be the day? We had met Alex for the first time on Monday and today was Friday. It had been an emotional week for all of us as we spent a little time each day getting to know each other.
CONANI called early that morning to tell us Alex was not feeling well and we may not see him that day. What? My heart was heavy. We prayed.
An hour or so later, we received another call asking us to meet at CONANI. This was going to be THE day. The day when Rafael would officially become our son,
John Alexander Thomas.
The day God had ordained from the beginning of time.
We had been praying for this day for years.
It had been such a long road.
Our son - born in our hearts.
June 17th, 2012
One year later.
One year later.
Forever Family