Friday, February 24, 2012

Unexpected Joy

One year ago today...

we received this photo.

Unexpected Joy

The child God chose for us.

The child born in our hearts.

Our son.


Friday, February 17, 2012


My dear friend Jenny ( has tagged me. Thanks friend!

The rules of the award: 1) thank the person who gave you this award. 2) list 7 things people may not know about you. 3) pass it along to a few other bloggers.

Goodness - the pressure!!!!

This is actually kind of hard for me, but here it goes...

1) My goal/dream is to one day run a marathon. Maybe a 13.1 - here's the thing though, I am not a runner.

2) I can see us having a 4th child - adopted of course . Yep. Just putting that out there - don't tell JT yet.

3) Chipped nail polish is one of my biggest pet peeves. Ask my girls!

4) I was once pregnant with triplets. Naturally. Bailey was 4 yrs old and Olivia was 2.

5) Prefer salty over sweet. Always.

6) I look on the brighter side of things. Look for the good and can be too trusting at times.

7) I am a 70's girl. Love the music! Had I not been in elementary school in the seventies, I am sure I would have been wearing long skirts, with flowers in my long hair promoting peace in the world.

There you have it.

I am tagging my sweet friend Shari - This will keep her busy while she waits to travel to China. She adopting a precious little girl named Maggie Mei.
