It's been 4 1/2 months since we have arrived back in the US as a family of 5. Time has flown by!
Clearly, I've been a little busy with my 2 1/2 year old. My blog has been neglected.
First things first...Alex is doing great!
He is as busy, funny and cute as ever. His english is really coming along and he talks all the time.
It's hard to describe, but it's like he has always been a part of us. He is my boy. My heart.
So... on to the catching up part.
We enjoyed our annual New Year celebration with the Obeck family. This has been our tradition for about 7 years now. We take turns hosting dinner at our homes, let the children play and ring in the New Year with them around 9:00 with apple cider! I love this time with our families. It is a tradition I always look forward to.
(Anne and I have been friends for 10 years ago. We met in a Playgroup when both of our oldest children were just one year old. Love her!!!)
(Sweet Cate and Alex. Friends Forever)
(Part of the gang...Jack, Olivia, Drew, Alex and Bailey. Missing is Cate & Reid)
(Good times!)
CDS Lions! - January
Bailey joined her Middle School Swim team this year. At the end of season awards program she received the "Christian Character" award. I told her there was not other award that would make me more proud of her. Not only did she have a great swim season, she displayed christian character by encouraging her team, giving her best and working hard.
Cotillion - January
I wish I could say that Bailey loved Cotillion, but honestly it was like pulling teeth to get her to go! As much as I loved what Cotillion is all about (manners, etiquette, etc.) she repeatedly told me how boring it was to her. ;-) The most fun she had was the Winter Ball where she dressed up with her girlfriends and danced the night away. Yes - she did dance with boys...and managed to survive.
(The CDS gang)
Surgery - February
When we received Alex's referral (February, 2011) we were informed of his herniated umbilical cord. Not only did it stick out significantly, the hole inside had not closed up. We met with a great pediatric urologist here in Charlotte and scheduled his surgery in February.
His surgery and healing process all went very well.
I was very happy to have this procedure behind us.
(This is Alex after his medicine kicked in... he was hysterical! Everyone loved him in the pre-op waiting area)
(Post surgery. What a trooper.)
Olivia's Baptism - February
February 12th, 2012 was a very special day in Olivia's life. An outward expression of her faith.
(Olivia and Gammie)
Olivia~ We are so very thankful for the sweet, kind spirit God gave you. We are proud of your decision to be baptized and pray that you will always love God ~ with all your HEART, all your SOUL and all your MIND. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)
We love you.
Zephaniah 3:17
"For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

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