Olivia is also very excited about becoming a BIG sister. She will finally know what it feels like! I asked her what she would like to teach her little sister and these are her top three. (1) teach her how to brush her teeth (2) teach her how to do her ABC's and 123's (3) teach her how to color in the lines. Olivia actually had an long illustrated list of things and it was difficult to pick her top three!
We are so thankful for our blue eyed girl and the VERY sweet spirit God gave her!

My sweet and dearest friend-like sister, JT and girls like my own....there is a method to the madness, although it doesn't make the pain less felt. You and your family grow in spirit and strength each time you're faced with adversity. Everyday I am in your heart....I feel your pain and search for the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow. Oh when we find "it", what a party we will have.