This sweet boy's name is Adam.
He is the son of our good friends, Greg and Jenny.
Adam came home to his Forever Family in January. He was born with spina bifida. Adam has always been mobile by scooting around.... but never been able to walk. Through therapy, love of a Mom and Dad - plus lots of determination...look at him go!
He is a hero in my eyes. I have never seen anyone with more courage or more determination. He never complains and is always happy, content and very loving. To top it off... he is seriously CUTE. I am complete mush around this little guy.
Just look at that face!
Jenny and I walked the journey of adoption paperwork together. Having gone through the process when she adopted Samantha, she was so very helpful and supportive to me. I had lots of questions! Many days we would meet at the YMCA, hit the treadmill and start talking about our paperchase. We prayed and prayed for our adoptions of Adam and Emily. To see this prayer of Adam answered, humbles me beyond belief.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us...
Ephesians 3:20
I have been amazed by Greg and Jenny's faith. They were called to this adoption of Adam having no idea what all would be involved with his medical issues. It has been and will continue to be a journey of trust. Medical decisions still need to be made for Adam. I ask that you please pray for my dear friends as they continue to seek the best treatments for him.
I am reminded of how magnificent our Heavenly Father is when I look at this sweet face.
In God's most beautifully woven plan...
He placed the most perfect little boy with the perfect family.
Did I mention how cute he is??? You've now seen it for yourself.

What a sweet post about my boy. He is such a determined and strong kid.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad the Spina Bifida didn't scare us away. We would have missed out on a huge blessing.
Thanks for the post. I love it!
Angie, I linked to your blog from Jenny's. What a sweet, beautiful post about this amazing boy. We're at the beach this week, so will not be able to meet with you all and pray during his surgery - but will do so from here. Brooke