Monday, December 26, 2011
Naughty or Nice?

Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Coming Home!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Family Time
Colonial Zone
Tie-Dye Day
A boat named after Olivia's best buddy~!
Fun with Daddy
Our little guy.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thomas - Party of 5
We are going to spend our week being "Thankful" for all God has done for us. Especially - for our new son and brother.
Please say a prayer for our little guy. These transitions are getting harder and harder for him.
I was so happy to hug on my girls. They look so big to me!
Happy to hug on my guy too.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Almost there...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Good news... We have finally started our 30 day appeal process which will end on November 17th. Woo hoo! That took F.O.R.E.V.E.R.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Mercy and I loaded up her car and headed to a resort in La Romana. We did not travel light with a 4 month old, 1 year old and 2 year old! I truly enjoyed my time with Alex there playing in the sand, ocean and pool. It was a "rest" of the spirit - not so much a physical rest. I mean the boy is busy. We had a great time and we made the very best of our time there!
Love how Alex is cooperating....big smiles. :-)
We also made a trip to La Victoria where the Tucker family lived for 4 years as missionaries. I was able to see where they lived and the community center they started in the area. Biemba, the lady who has been cooking for us, lives there as well. Alex and I enjoyed being in her home and having lunch with her family and friends.
We traveled out to the Campo to visit some of the ladies Mercy knew. I am still trying to get my mind and heart around that. Especially one sweet girl named, Francie. She is in an abusive marriage and has a young son. She is probably only 18 or 19. When we arrived I thought she looked blank, no expression on her face. We were told that she got very sick and has lost her hearing. Please pray for her.
Francie's sweet little boy.
Having fun in the Campo. This is a swing made out of a rice sack! Pretty smart!
Alex also got his first haircut with me. I took him to a Barber shop in Villa Mella. He screamed his head off! Guess they don't provide suckers here in the DR to keep the kids quite. Fun times.
In front of the Barber shop with his friend Abner. Clearly Abner did not think it was so bad having his hair cut.