We are on day 29 living in the Dominican Republic and have completed 3 weeks of co-habitation with Alex. We have filed a petition with the court to have our 60 co-habitation reduced to 30. Hopefully we will meet with the judge on Wednesday of next week. From what we understand... once co-habtitation is completed, CONANI files our paperwork with the courts and a 30 day appeal process begins. Yes- another 30 days. Once that is complete the rest of the legal paperwork should be processed pretty quickly. We should ALL be home by the end of August. JT will most likely travel back to Charlotte during the appeal process. The girls want to stay with me. Once it gets close to the start of school- the girls and I will come home and JT will be here with Alex. I do not like anything about these scenarios. I like my family all in one place. God continues to stretch me - refine me- and break me of what I find security in that is not of him.
Alex is doing great! I do believe God has a sense of humor... JT and I with a 2 year old busy boy!! Our little guy is so funny and such a little stinker. We've had a few rough patches, but for the most part I was prepared for them. I have often wondered what is going on in that little head of his. So many changes in 3 weeks. He definitely wants "MaMa" the most.... and you know I love that! He gets into his sisters things and "PaPa" makes him giggle the hardest. He is learning a few english words, but obviously understand spanish and responds to that language. I can't wait to get him home.
This adoption has not been easy, but I keep reminding myself, "For such a time as this...." A couple of months is definitely worth a lifetime with our son.
I have so many pictures to post, but can not get them loaded onto Blogger. I will keep trying.
Love to all-
not sure why - but this post made me well up. maybe the "papa"? can't wait to hug sweet alex! xo